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Colour Therapy

Colour therapy affects all levels of your being. When the body is not able to use light and function optimally, vitality and energy are lowered and the body is open to disease and decay.

Humans physically see light as a vibrational quality. The vibrational quality of colour can be used to reestablish the right frequency when there is too much or too little vibration in the body. Colour is very effective in healing due to its ability to reestablish and maintain balance in the body. When this balance is not evident, disease is allowed to begin. Colour therapy works to alleviate these blocks that cause disharmony in the body.

Contacts and glasses should not be worn during colour therapy treatment.

The 12 Colours and Their Relation to Your Well-Being

Blue: Sedates the nervous system. Acts to improve throat conditions, hoarseness, teething, fevers, measles, hysteria, palpitations, spasms, menstrual problems, acute rheumatism, shock, etc.

Green: Balances the brain, body and endocrine system. Acts to improve heart problems, blood pressure, ulcers, headaches and neuralgia.

Indigo: Nerve sedative and immune stimulant. Acts to support the parathyroid by toning down the thyroid and calms down respiration. A general sedative.

White: Balances and harmonizes the body and mind.

Orange: Stimulant. Acts to support and stimulate the lungs, stomach, spleen, pancreas and thyroid. Also acts as a decongestant and antispasmodic. Improves asthma, colds, bronchitis, rheumatism, epilepsy, gall stones, gout, menstrual problems, hyper or hypothyroidism, mental exhaustion and kidney ailments.

Red: Energizer. Acts to support the sensory nervous system. This system governs our five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Helps to counteract the effect of burns and also helps the liver and aids the body to increase platelets and hemoglobin.

Violet: Immune stimulant. Acts to support and stimulate the spleen. Promotes white blood cells. Calms muscular activity and overactive lymphatic glands.

Red/orange: Stimulates and energizes the organs and nervous system.

Yellow/green: Energizes while balancing the brain, body and endocrine system.

Ruby: General stimulant. Acts to stimulate the kidneys and adrenals. Strengthens arteries, raises blood pressure, raises heart rate and promotes rapid delivery at child birth.

Yellow: Energizer. Strengthens the nerves and aids the brain. Acts to support and stimulate the intestines, pancreas, digestive fluids and motor nerves, thereby helping to energize muscles. Yellow has a stimulating, cleaning and eliminating action on the liver, intestines and skin and is energizing to the alimentary tract. Useful in treating constipation, diabetes, flatulence, digestive problems, eczema, kidneys, mental depression, mental exhaustion, acute inflammation, over-excitement, liver problems, palpitation of the heart and paralysis.

Blue/green: Soother. Acts to calm down the brain, tone the skin and help balance your entire system.

Once the colour needed has been determined, then the desired strobe effect is chosen using muscle testing to reach the appropriate level of the mind. The four levels the body can use are:

  • BETA:  greater than 13Hz, used for the conscious level
  • ALPHA: 8-12 Hz, used for learning and REM sleep
  • THETA: 4-7- Hz, REM sleeping only
  • DELTA: 1-3 Hz, Very deep sleep

Colour Therapy has many unique applications. It can be used as a standalone therapy or it can also be used in conjunction with other therapies such as MET, EAT and MRT, making them more effective.

What Personal Colour Preferences Tell About You

Psychological choices of colour tell a lot about a person and their state of health. For example:

  • Outgoing people prefer warm colours
  • Introverted or ego-centered people prefer cool colours, as they do not require other stimulation
  • Emotionally responsive individuals react freely with colours
  • Emotionally inhibited individuals often react strongly to colour, as it intrudes upon their inner life that they seek to hide
  • Emotionally indifferent individuals usually display a rigid personality and are unresponsive to subtle colours
  • Each colour has its own significance; generally dark colours show depression and melancholy
  • Bright colours show gaiety and comedy